We look forward to working with your company. Highlighted below are just a few reasons that make us stand out from the pack.
- Compatibility
- Proven Track Record
- Purity of Business
- Well Defined Goals
- Expertise
- Chemistry
"Relationships that have developed from 'eye to eye,' 'person to person' meetings remain the most powerful in a business relationship."
Niels Ongering, VNT, Netherlands MANA May 2001
Synergy: An outside sales rep will make up a portfolio of products that are complementary, but not competitive.
The rep covering this market has the advantage of a full product line that not only increases sales for him and his client but also ensures better access to the time-challenged buyer. "A sales rep can leverage off the fact that he is the trusted source of information for a whole slew of products. He sells more products and provides a service to the buyer," says Anderson. Synergy, she adds, "means your line fits in well with the other lines. The more your product has synergy, the more time you will get from your rep."
"Outside sales reps are often more motivated than the internal sales force. They know more about the market and they are hungry for the business."
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, from their article, "Making the Case for Outside Sales Reps".